Thursday 11 February 2021

One Night @ The Call Center - Thinking Activity

Hello Readers !

What do you think? Is literature to be written for the sake of moral preaching? Is it so that if literature doesn't tell the moral of the story, is it bad literature? What kind of literature is sold nowadays in market?

Well, these are the questions which every literature student can raise. Here in this blog, topics like globalization, self-help literature, narrative structure and problems of youth are discussed taking a popular novel by Chetan Bhagat, One Night @ the Call Center. Here is the link from which the topics are elaborated and discussed.

Write on any two or all topics:

1. Globalization and on@tcc

The word itself suggests that it has something to do with global matters. But mostly this word has many connotations with business and economics. But what a literature student has to do with economics and globalization? Literature, as it expands its horizons through history, philosophy, psychology, sociology, political science. has connection with lot many other branches of studies. That's why humanities is multidisciplinary.

As far as this novel is concerned, there are some layers which touch this area in terms of globalization. In the global market there's a term called BPO which stands for Business, Process and Outsourcing. The

2. Self-help and on@tcc

Self-help literature is a genre largely connected with individual development. This genre contains books which help people, grow from within, make people motivationally charged up and ready to fight with emotional odds. Reading self-help literature may not give the sense of aesthetics, but it is full of moral values and anecdotal narration, which enables readers to work on their weaker parts of personality.

Taking a bird eye view of self-help books, the tone of these books seems to have similar voice and tone. Topics like success, failure, time management, money management, personal life developments, emotional intelligence can be are largely remain at the center.

If we look at the background of genre, self-help spans few phases of its emergence and development.

The first phase touched the secular world, which was largely based on religious books. Because religion was the base which made people wise by making things great. Things which were out of the control of human agency, were made superior by narration. Mainly the god was at the central figure in those books.

The second phase can be seen as literature as whole. The very purpose of literature primarily is to make people better and think on themselves. In this way it can be stated that all literatures are self-help. Even in today's time books based on self-help are sold more than any other genres. It has a huge market.

The third phase in self-help literature was based on writings of non-fiction. This was the phase in which the narration and guidance shifted from religion or god to one's own self. Samuel Smiles in 1859 wrote the first self-help book entitled 'self-help'. It's first opening sentence was popular and groundbreaking which read: "Heaven helps those who help themselves." In 1902 James Allen wrote 'As a Man Thinketh'. A quote from it: A man is literally what he thinks, his character being a complete sum of all these thoughts.

3. Popular Literature and on@tcc

Generally, popular literature has some shallowness in terms of lesser interpretations and further discourses. The word popular is used in a derogatory way for the literature which lacks high seriousness. Literature with high seriousness and abstract thoughts is considered as high brow literature.

What popular literature does not do ?

The term popular literature is to be seen as derogatory when ON@tCC is concerned.

Thank You!

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