Monday 27 January 2020

Culture and Anarchy - Matthew Arnold

Hello Readers!

Matthew Arnold (1822 - 1888) was a prominent cultural critic and voracious prose writer belonging to the Victorian age of English literature. He has written many critical essays, but the most discussed and controversial essay is Culture and Anarchy which was originally published in The Cornhill Magazine during 1867 and 1868. Later on the essay was published as a book in 1869. A preface was added to the essay much later in the year 1875.

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Here this thinking activity is written to highlight the key points and to see what students have understood from the essay. Click Here to open the worksheet of Culture and Anarchy.

Click here to open the blog on Culture and Anarchy by Dr. Dilip Barad.

The essay basically deals with the thought of perfection of culture and how anarchy prevails through various class of society. As a social critic, Matthew Arnold divides English society into three major parts,

1. Barbarians - Class of people who are aristocrat and rich, who are more civilized, who live with high morals and thoughts.
2. Philistines - People who selfishly make money, engage in unproductive and leisure activities. They live their life with self-centered manner. Middle class, often called as bourgeois class.
3. Populace - People who are poverty-sticken and pushed down by the Barbarians and Philistines.

He gives the concept of Hebraism and Hellenism to clarify the cultural difference between higher class and middle class of people.

Thank You!

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