Sunday 23 February 2020

Digital Humanities - Learning through Technology

Hello Readers!

In this age of information and communication technology (ICT), the use of digital platforms has been increased significantly. While thinking of education and learning process, one can hardly keep the technology aloof. Earlier it was only pen and paper based learning but in that process, technology has entered and played a role of a game changer. There are several digital tools and platforms which play very vital role in the learning process. WhatsApp has become important medium for communication and sharing ideas among the students. Teacher can also keep the students updated with lot many learning nuggets and current happening in and around the world. WhatsApp Messenger was found in 2009. Facebook also is very useful to share various educational activities and academic progress. It was found in February 2004. Apart from sharing photos of picnic and food, it is also a good platform to showcase the academic achievements of any educational institution. If the teachers are keen to work with technology, if they are ready to accept the changes of learning methods, students will automatically adapt this creative and innovative method.

This blog throws some light on the aspects that teachers and students need to see for better improvements in learning and teaching. Here are the blog links provided by the Head of the Department of English, Dr Dilip Barad who relentlessly works on utilizing technology into education.

Digital Humanities Introduction
Research Prospects in Digital Humanities and Cyberspace Textuality
Literary Criticism in the Age of Information

Images of digital tools like blogger, SlideShare, Coursera, khan academy, Skype, WhatsApp, Facebook, Google classroom, YouTube.
1. Define Digital Humanities?

- Digital Humanities. The word itself seems to carry two opposite words. Digital refers to some firm and controlled systems. Humanities connotes with liberal thought. But the mixture of these two words has some meaning in the world of technology.  2. What is it doing in English Departments? Write any three reasons out of six given in the article by Matthew G. Kirschenbaum.

The extracts given below best describe the importance of digital humanities in the English Departments.

Since the inception of the computer, text has been easy to input into computers and easy for computers to manipulate. Computers have therefore been a part of English studies for a long time, particularly in the areas of stylistics, linguistics, and composition.

In the 1980s and 1990s, the personal computer and the development of the commercial web gave rise to experimental writing (hypertext fiction) and scholarly efforts to digitize and archive canonical text (such as the Rossetti Archive). The study of hypertext fiction and digital archives has been conducted largely from within English departments.

The last decade has seen an explosion of interest in e-books, e-readers, and massive-scale textual digitization projects, reinforcing the close connection between digital technology, reading, and textuality (6)

3. Do you think there is any need of it in the study / research of literature?
Digital Humanities are needed in the English departments because nowadays many books and printed articles have been digitized. It becomes easy to search the old print of the book within seconds. Students as well as research scholars can take benefit of digital library to access some costly books and read online also.
4. Can it help in study / research of regional literature written in local languages (i.e. Hindi, Sanskrit, Gujarati, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu etc) as it helps in the study of literature in English?

- There are many translation machines are available on web platform. They are of good help in translating any language into others. Blogging has become popular among various

(1) Kirschenbaum, Matthew G. "What Is Digital Humanities and What’s It Doing in English Departments?" ADE Bulletin (2010)
(2) “Grand Valley State University.” Digital Humanities and the English Department - Department of English - Grand Valley State University, 31 July 2019,

Thank You!

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