Hello Readers!
Finally, after such a long gap, I have found an insightful topic to share. Today's topic is about the class of people who feel bored, tired, and sick of the rat race of chasing after money, mindless scrolling, disturbed social relations, and a meaningless, stressful life. Many of us suffer from anxiety, and stress and seek out the best resort in watching films, listening to songs, and sharing funny short videos and reels with friends. Amidst this practice, there lies a wonderful factor of creativity. A person always finds some songs, films, and stories quite relatable because of the deep charm of creativity behind the content.
Now let me put a debatable topic here.
"People from non-arts backgrounds appreciate the creative and philosophical aspects of enjoyable content, feeling that, despite having all the luxuries and wealth, something meaningful is missing from their lives. Meanwhile, individuals in creative arts and philosophical fields tend to broaden their current knowledge and go beyond the available content."
There are two premises here.
1. People from the STEM field
2. People from creative arts, humanities, and philosophical branches.
There are two points of view as well.
1. People from the STEM field enjoy the depths of all arts and creative materials such as films, songs, and stories, and at one point in life, they think they could have pursued arts and humanities.
2. People from arts and humanities, and creative pursuits undergo a rigorous process of ego clashes with the truth and redefine their understanding while creating anything new and original. This philosophical churning in mind makes them more refined thinkers and clean creators. They think that the world has to see things from their own perspective and think about life with a completely different dimension.
Whoever wishes to make a career in arts and humanities must understand the following things.
1. It is not just a branch of academics but a life-defining pursuit. It is deeply connected with all other branches such as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Indeed there is a value of rankings and grades but this branch is more than just academic accolades.
2. The majority of people give very little value to philosophies and stories in their daily lives and they keep talking about money, percentages, and major statistics. If one wants to study arts and humanities with a deeper knowledge, one may go deeper into the nuances of human behavior, the inner areas of the human psyche, and thought processes.
3. This also leads a person to a spiritual dimension and makes him/her rethink all the behaviors and endeavors of human beings. The key questions such as what, why, who, how, when, and where will become the drivers of the human mind rather than having a mind full of numbers that keep thinking about money all day.
4. Those who are not in arts and humanities may think that the people within this field are "lucky" and enjoying all the "luxuries" of life; but here is a myth buster: the real learners, thinkers, and creators don't enjoy the materialistic aspect of life and never expect to live like that. They consume only what they need the most and do only what is the most necessary at the given time and in situations. The only thing they enjoy is the clarity of their wisdom and life.
5. To study arts and humanities, one must be aware of the deeds of past figures and have a sharp historical and political sense to study whatever is happening in today's time. Because students will always have to see things of today with the pastness of the past.
6. During the study the students may get frustrated and tired of the rigorous thought process and discussions he/she has to go through. But no need to worry, to create a new understanding one must have a breakthrough of their own ego and pre-established beliefs. Once the mind is free from all the past conditions, a great highway is there to study further.
7. There should be readiness to leave the ego aside and know something new and fresh. Because no creative field is free from biases and mental conditioning. There might be a few aspects that may affect you directly at the personal level but it is the demand of this discipline that people go through this process and ask questions at deeper levels.
These points will be fruitful to the students and aspirants who want to study arts, humanities, languages, literature, and philosophies. This would definitely establish new perspectives and understanding of the entire world.
Change is inevitable, so the mind, so the body, and so the life. Embrace with all your power and spirit.
Happy learning.
Thank You!
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